Health Benefits of Moringo
- INcreased physical energy - Tune your body up with naturally occurring nutrients to make your energy last longer
- Mental and emotional balance - Moringa oleifera's amazingly powerful nutrient compounds help restore stability to the chemicals that govern our thoughts and emotions. You have to experience it to appreciate it!
- Faster recovery - Moringa oleifera's complete amino profile, along with dozens of vitamins and minerals, makes it a perfect recovery food after grueling workouts and physical strain.
- Nutrient-dense mother's milk - Increased iron, potassium, Vitamins A, B, C, E, and dozens of other important nutrients are all readily absorbed from Moringa oleifera and transferred from mother's milk to the growing newborn. No wonder Moringa is called 'Mother's Best Friend' in cultures across Africa!
- Healthy blood sugar levels - antioxidants and unique regulating compounds help control blood sugar and keep the blood free of unhealthy substances.
- Promotes healthy digestion - treats simple gastrointestinal and stomach problems. It is excellent for easing nausea, stomach upsets, indigestion, and flatulence and is also thought to improve gallbladder disorders.
- As an effective diuretic - cleansing the body of toxins through the skin and reducing fevers. This is especially effective for relieving the symptoms of colds and flu.
- Supports synthesis and function of nerve tissue - Nerve Tissues such as Myelin Benefit from Methylcobalamin. Helps To Rebuild, Restore, Repair, Maintain, and Heal Important Nerve Tissues.
- Boosts metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins - Participates in Energy Producing Pathways. Plus, Supports Conditions of Sprue.
- Aids in control of pernicious anemia and Formation of Red Blood Cells.
- Supports a healthy nervous system.
- Lifts mood
- Improves mental clarity
- Supports emotional balance
- Supports healthy cardiovascular function
- Reduces homocysteine
- Increases stamina
- Cuts risk of heart disease
- Increased physical energy - Tune your body up with naturally occurring nutrients to make your energy last longer
- Mental and emotional balance - Moringa oleifera's amazingly powerful nutrient compounds help restore stability to the chemicals that govern our thoughts and emotions. You have to experience it to appreciate it!
- Faster recovery - Moringa oleifera's complete amino profile, along with dozens of vitamins and minerals, makes it a perfect recovery food after grueling workouts and physical strain.
- Nutrient-dense mother's milk - Increased iron, potassium, Vitamins A, B, C, E, and dozens of other important nutrients are all readily absorbed from Moringa oleifera and transferred from mother's milk to the growing newborn. No wonder Moringa is called 'Mother's Best Friend' in cultures across Africa!
- Healthy blood sugar levels - antioxidants and unique regulating compounds help control blood sugar and keep the blood free of unhealthy substances.
- Promotes healthy digestion - treats simple gastrointestinal and stomach problems. It is excellent for easing nausea, stomach upsets, indigestion, and flatulence and is also thought to improve gallbladder disorders.
- As an effective diuretic - cleansing the body of toxins through the skin and reducing fevers. This is especially effective for relieving the symptoms of colds and flu.
- Supports synthesis and function of nerve tissue - Nerve Tissues such as Myelin Benefit from Methylcobalamin. Helps To Rebuild, Restore, Repair, Maintain, and Heal Important Nerve Tissues.
- Boosts metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins - Participates in Energy Producing Pathways. Plus, Supports Conditions of Sprue.
- Aids in control of pernicious anemia and Formation of Red Blood Cells.
- Supports a healthy nervous system.
- Lifts mood
- Improves mental clarity
- Supports emotional balance
- Supports healthy cardiovascular function
- Reduces homocysteine
- Increases stamina
- Cuts risk of heart disease
Moringa oleifera, also known as Tree of life, clarifier
tree, horseradish tree and drumstick tree, has been used for centuries
by people living in asia and many parts of Africa. Many refer to this
tree as "nutritional dynamite," as it contains copious amounts of
important nutrients like iron, calcium and Vitamin A. It also has
hundreds of medicinal uses for both prevention and treatment. This may
be due to its novel isothiocynate compounds which is a class of

Origanum vulgare is an aromatic herb native to the
Mediterranean region that has been used for centuries to treat a number
of different medical ailments. The warm, balsamic and aromatic flavor of
oregano makes it the perfect addition to Mediterranean and Mexican
cuisines. This popular herb whose name means "mountain joy" is available
throughout the year . It contains 80 nutrients.It has primarily been
used to treat psoriasis, food poisoning, indigestion, bloating,
flatulence, coughs, urinary problems, bronchial problems, headaches,
swollen glands and to promote menstruation. However, it also has been
used in the past to relieve fevers, diarrhea, vomiting and jaundice.
Oregano contains numerous phytonutrients - including thymoland
rosmarinic acid - that have also been shown to function as potent
antioxidants that can prevent oxygen-based damage to cell structures
throughout the body. In laboratory studies, oregano has demonstrated
stronger anti-oxidant capacity than either of the two synthetic
anti-oxidants commonly added to processed food—BHT (butylated
hydroxytoluene) and BHA (butylated bydroxyanisole). Additionally, on a
per gram fresh weight basis, oregano has demonstrated 42 times more
antioxidant activity than apples, 30 times more than potatoes, 12 times
more than oranges and 4 times more than blueberries.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for energy
production; for nervous system function as it is needed to produce
myelin, the fatty substance that forms a protective sheath around
nerves; for the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that
helps with memory and learning; for the synthesis of red blood cells;
for producing the genetic materials, DNA and RNA. It can help depression
and give you energy. Most vitamin B12 comes from animal source foods
and is deficient in strict vegetarian diets. In a recent study, subjects
taking methylcobalamin experience improved sleep quality and increased
daytime alertness and concentration, and in some cases they also
reported improved mood. Much of the benefit appears to be a result of
methylcobalamin's influence on melatonin secretion and resetting the
biological clock. Specifically, methylcobalamin causes a significant
decrease in daytime melatonin levels while increasing nighttime levels.

Trace Mineral complex –(Humic &Fulvic acid) Humic acid
comes from humates that are found in rich organic soil. Humates are
fossilised plant material originating from a period which pre–dates the
dinosaurs. The humic acid is extracted from compressed, ancient plant
matter in the form of Leonardite, a soft brown coal. This dark powder
contains dense mineral components which characterize those ancient
plants. It also contains the amino acids and many of the other
beneficial phytochemicals from that original plant matter. If you have
ever put fertilizer on your yard, chances are it contained small amounts
of humic acid. In fact, the word describing dark rich soil is humus
which contains humic acid. Humic acid is absorbed by plants and helps in
many ways.
Humates contain both humic and fulvic acids. Even though they are call
acids, they are more like salts. Fulvic acid is derived from humic acid.
It contains minerals and acts as a chelator. Humic acid is a dilator,
which increases the cell wall permeability. Humates contain a wide range
of essential minerals and other vital nutrients necessary for human
health. Together, they help the body absorb necessary nutrients and
expel waste and toxins.
Humic acid is an excellent anti–oxidant and is a complex organic
molecule. Humic and fulvic acids together contain a wide variety of
trace minerals.
Humic acid has been used for hundreds of years, by cultures around the
globe, for a wide variety of traditional remedies. Humic acid helps the
body in several ways at the cellular level including:
- 1. Providing trace minerals
- 2. Dilating the cell walls which helps to absorb water, oxygen, nutriants and release toxins
- 3. Surrounding viruses so that they cannot reproduce
- 4. Alerting the immune system to the presence of viruses so they may be removed.

Piperine, which boasts health benefits too, is known for
enhancing bioavailability and bioefficacy when used in combination with
other ingredients. Research has shown that piperine increases the
bioavailability of different drugs from 30 to 200%, while improving the
absorption of many nutrients, including vitamin C, selenium,
beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin B6 and coenzyme . However, in one
study, while piperine was shown to increase the bioavailability of
curcumin by almost ten-fold, nanoparticle encapsulation improved oral
bioavailability even more.

Vitamin C acts as a preservative and antioxidant
capacities. Increasing the amount of Vitamin C in the extract helps
increase the concentration of glutathione cofactors in the body. These
cofactors are essential for the Moringa to up-regulate this antioxidant
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IBO No :1252162
Sponsor Name : Wasim Ahmed
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Anyone in India need this product or want to start with this product please call or email +91 8899433933
IBO No :1252162
Sponsor Name : Wasim Ahmed
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Anyone in India need this product or want to start with this product please call or email +91 9978161685
IBO : 1252056
Sponsor Name : mahendra patel
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Any one who want moringo product .contact me ..
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It is wonderful product.if you want it or join,you can contact us.Mob.No.-9580151542
ReplyDeleteWhich part of the plant is used in medicine stem leaves roots flowers or inflorescence or bark
ReplyDeleteThe product is tried tested its absolutely great product no doubt. any one want it or want to join as Independent Business owner can call me at 7065360990 Delhi
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ReplyDeleteYes.. it works.. please call me 7003187521.. for complete guidelines. Result in a month.. complete cure in 6 month
DeleteYes.. it works.. please call me 7003187521.. for complete guidelines. Result in a month.. complete cure in 6 month
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Please call me 7003187521 or watsapp 9038160601.. i will guide you in every way
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It is super food. It can help veriously. I think that nobody knows that how many Deasies are cure from it.
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